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Assassin Base


Historical sect of the Assassins

Under the name Assassins in XI-XIII centuries were known to intelligence officials, who stood guard over the interests of Alamut state. The state is created by Nizari religious Sexton (its "flag" was the Prince Nizar, executed his own father, heir to the Fatimid caliph of Egypt), fancifully combined the features of the communist utopia of totalitarian sects and criminal organizations.
Like many other Islamic sects, Nizarites originally consisted of a group of conspirators. Gradually Nizarites created a huge secret organization that covered the entire Middle East.
The organization was built on a strict hierarchy and division of all members of the sect in the nine circles of initiation. The very entry into the Order, as well as the transition to each of his next step was accompanied by a dramatic mystical rituals. Later, these rituals were adopted by several orders of knights and crusaders.
Nizarites considered Muslims. However, the higher was the "initiation", the freer they were treated dogmas of Islam - until, finally, the religion was left nothing.
At the end of XI century Nizari movement led by Hassan ibn Sabbah. Noble Arab, had spent his childhood and youth in Persia, but later who moved to Egypt, he was undoubtedly one of the most talented and educated people of his time.

Not having achieved success in Egypt, and with difficulty escaped arrest in 1090 with a group of supporters Sabah moved to northern Iran. There he was able to capture the people of Alamut - "Eagle Nest", a strong fortress on a hilltop, surrounded by turbulent rivers and gorges. Having taken the castle, Sabbah declared himself Grand Master of the Order of Alamut Nizari and Sheikh Hassan I. But the high-sounding title is not stuck. Sabbah and his successors, and the approximate
commonly became known as "Mountain elders." From the outset, Sabbah was incredibly lucky. His appearance at Alamut
coincided with the death of Seljuk Sultan Malik Shah. This in itself is, perhaps, did not play a role, but the heirs of the Sultan
loggerheads over the throne. In the long 12 years the Seljuks was not up to Alamut. Sabbah captured one lock after another. Soon under his authority was
whole country, which included the north-west of Iran, northern Iraq, southeastern Turkey and the east of Syria. However, they did not manage to win a single major city or a vast fruitful plains. Sabbah took only a poor mountain land, which is not seriously contested none of the "great powers".

The Arabs called supporters Sabbah "gashishshinami," that is "travoedami." The nickname is a characteristic hinted at Nizari poverty. Europeans began to pronounce the name as "Assassins."
In the conquered towns were put new laws, the slightest deviation from which was punishable by death. Chief among these was a ban on luxury, so stern and uncompromising, that wealth has lost all meaning. Does not allow the fun - even such as sport hunting.
But Sabbah understood that in the event of an attack of serious opponent of the war Assassins did not win: there will be nobody to protect Alamut. Major cities in the country does not, the peasants are too poor, that would be armed and the military caste, for the most part killed. And the rest of the nobility after the ban on hunting could not be trusted.
The main hopes pinned on the excellent Sabbah organized intelligence. All the gold Sabbah though not the creation of the troops, and the subversive activities and the recruitment of secret agents in hostile courts.
Very timely death of Malik Shah could not put the ruler of Alamut to the idea that the removal of one man is sometimes tantamount to victory in large-scale war. Not seeing any prospects on the battlefield, Sabbah decided to resort to the tactics of political murders with the help of fanatical individuals. That is "fidainov" - "a sacrifice." Those who are now referred to as "martyrs." In death there is a huge advantage over any other warriors: they do not need to think of escape routes.
The aim of the cunning ruler were great men, possessing excellent, trained and catching flies protection. Get close to him could only man clever, inventive and totally cool.

Fidainy held in Alamut thorough special training. They are partitioned into groups and taught the language and customs of the country where they were supposed to work. Taught how to impersonate others. Also teach beginners to climb the walls or the walls, hiding, to keep perfectly still for hours in an uncomfortable position. Taught to understand the poisons and to make them. It is usually assumed that the assassins were trained seriously and possession of weapons. But sources tell a different story. Assassins are not trying to get to the victim by force and did not take a fight with an armed enemy. Their tactic was to get to trick the enemy and cause a sudden treacherous attack. Training began with the selection of candidates. Young people came to the gate of the fortress, and they did not let go. This went on for as long as there was only one out of thirty. The most stubborn. Which even the guards could not get rid of.
But then it was much more interesting. Chosen personally met with Sabbah in his house. Assassin stupefied (which, incidentally, used opium, not hashish) and transferred to a lovely garden. There is a magnificent table waiting for a candidate, a lot of wine and 70 houris, who immediately went from words to action. Waking up again in the house Sabbah, young people no longer believed, and knew exactly what was in paradise. Alternative visions excluded.
And from that moment it became his goal to return to paradise, completing the feat on orders Sabbah - a great man, who is convinced of the candidate from their own experience, indeed, could careless one leg kick to open the gates to the kingdom of heaven.
Often, it is considered that Sabbah and his receiver Buzug-Umida, who ruled from 1124, succeeded in intimidating the rulers of neighboring states, so that they could not conceive of a campaign to Alamut. But this is not true. About intrusion into the domain of assassins neighbors did not think, because in 1099 the Crusaders took Jerusalem. The Middle East embraced the war with the aliens from Europe. Another reason for the inviolability of Nizari could not be better illustrated by their relationship with the Crusaders. These relationships have begun with the fact that the Lebanese assassins killed Count Raymond.
It was a big mistake. The Templars were not frightened for some reason, but instead laid siege to the castles of the Assassins. And had to pay off Nizari heavy tribute and promise to accept Christianity. In the battle against the heavily armed knights and skilled assassins had no chance.
However, the Templars soon changed their minds to pay Nizaris to Christianity, having decided that, in its original form, they could be useful. The value of "killer", the word "assassin" was acquired in a European language - in fact collaborated with the Crusaders Nizari particularly dense. When in the late 12th century Egyptian sultan Yusuf ibn Ayyub (Saladin as a) began to besiege the Christians, Assassins provided assistance to the Crusaders, eliminating the Arab generals.
How did fidainy committed murder? Why it was thought that it is impossible to escape from them? In fact, it's simple. Power of "Elders Mountain" was well developed espionage network. Agents met the assassins sent from Alamut, provide them with necessary information, gave shelter and supplied with everything necessary. It is organized murder. From fidaina required only to strike.

Typically, the blow was struck with a dagger. Sometimes the poison used. To simplify the task of bodyguards and servants of the victims are often bribed.
But there was another component of Fame as the assassins of assassins without fear and without reproach. They are always up to their order. No matter how much time and gold fidainov not it did not have to spend. The case when assassins in two years led lives of exemplary Christians, a weekly meeting with the victim at the church on the Sunday service. As long as the guards did not stop to pay attention to them.
Working for the Crusaders, Nizarites attempted several times and most of Saladin. To get to the Sultan of them have failed, and soon saw that the Christians are defeated, assassins took the side of the Egyptians. But this is not helped Nizari. Saladin took advantage of their services, but nothing has been forgotten. Once the fighting died down in Palestine, his army storm passed over the possessions of Alamut.
The practice of individual political terror was not justified. There were also internal reasons for the decline. The ban on luxury, welcomed the people, could not find an adequate response in the hearts of the ruling elite assassins. The feudal system and the stratification is gradually restored. Fewer and fewer people believed in the sanctity of "Elders Mountain."
By the mid-13th century, it was all over. Espionage network, keeping a successor Sabbah did not pay enough attention, is almost universally failed. In addition, the tricks guriyami and talking heads could not work forever. Shiloh got out of the bag. Recruit new fidainov became impossible.
Sam Sabbah died of natural causes - probably because the first time to "remove" their sons. Their hands, by the way, he managed to kill the Nizari leader in Kugistane who could claim to be Sabbah.
In 1256 the Mongol Hulagu Khan took Alamut. And in 1273 the last "Temples of Swords" in Syria by Sultan Baybars destroyed I. School of murderers and assassins state itself ceased to exist.
But the Nizari sect survives to this day. Currently, several thousand of its followers live in Lebanon, Iraq, India and Zanzibar.
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